Photo by Keren Manor, Activestills
Board of Directors
Noa Sattath (Executive Director) -
Noa Sattath became the Executive Director of ACRI in November 2021.
Noa is an ordained Reform Rabbi and spent the past 11 years as Executive Director of the Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC), where she was responsible for leading the organization's public strategy regarding religion and state, gender equality, and the fight against racism. Noa has been partner in leading social justice struggles, especially the struggle against the exclusion of women and against the election of racist candidates running for Knesset.
Prior to IRAC, Noa served as Executive Director of the Jerusalem Open House for Pride and Tolerance, where she aided in the historic move to lead the first Pride March in the city.
Noa also served as Executive Director for MEET, an organization that uses technology to develop the joint leadership of young Israelis and Palestinians from Israel and the West Bank.
Take a look at the insightful interview with Noa from October 2022 in the Israeli newspaper HaAretz.

Noa Sattath, Executive Director
ACRI’s Board of Directors is elected every two years by ACRI’s members, and consists of thirteen leading figures from the fields of law, academia, civil society and the media, who represent a range of population groups and constituencies and who volunteer their time and expertise. The Board of Directors meets every four to six weeks and receives progress reports from ACRI’s senior management. The Board shapes ACRI's policies and strategy, determines policies and priorities for ACRI’s professional staff, provides guidance and feedback on ACRI’s programming, and approves operational guidelines, work plans and budgets. The Board of Directors discusses and approves the organization's annual work plan and budget. ACRI also has a Finance Committee, comprised of three members, all also unpaid volunteers.
Members of the Board: