Equality and Anti-Racism
Exclusion of Women - FAQ, August 2019
The State of Israel is obligated to treat every person equally, regardless of religion, nationality, ethnicity, gender, personal status, age, sexual orientation, disability, or any other factor. This includes equality in housing, healthcare, education, and employment. Equality, though, is far from the reality on the ground, as the right to equality is not yet enshrined in laws regarding most aspects of life, and prejudice and discrimination still run rampant throughout Israeli society.
While the racial distinction between the Jewish Israeli population and the Arab Israeli and Palestinian populations continues to be the most pervasive within Israeli society, there are also a number of other disenfranchised communities whom have yet to know equality. This discrimination particularly affects the physically and mentally handicapped, the LGBT community, the poor and homeless, and women - specifically religious and Arab women.
ACRI conducts a wide range of educational activities to instill within society the concept of equality and respect for all people, particularly those belonging to minority groups. Concomitantly, ACRI works intensively through the legal and policy channels to fight against every form of discrimination, whether by state agencies or private bodies. ACRI continues to evaluate and respond to specific cases of inequality, while working towards broader reform leading to a more equal society and a state with the inclusive policies to match its robust rhetoric of equality.