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Summary of ACRI Activity in the 20th Knesset


In recent years there has been a proliferation of initiatives and legislation aimed at shrinking the democratic space in Israel. In this Knesset, too, we addressed this issue even more intensively, due to the government's vigorous activity in this context. The main laws and initiatives that ACRI addressed in the 20th Knesset in this context include:

• The "Dismissal" Law for members of Knesset

• Restricting entry to Israel for those who call for a boycott of the country

• The Nation-State Law

• The “NGO” Law targeting nonprofits that receive donations from foreign state entities

• The “Breaking the Silence” Law, prohibiting organizations and activists from entering schools

• Law shrinking national service within human rights organizations

• Law preventing members of Knesset from traveling abroad

• Invitations to Knesset committees and reforms among the Knesset's work

• Bill on tax exemption for contributions to non-profit organizations (clause 46a)

• The Override clause

• Bill on appointments of legal advisors

• The V15 bill

• Amendment to the Boycott Law (compensation without evidence of harm)

• The “Loyalty in Culture” bill

Ministry of Strategic Affairs’ activities

Application of Israeli legislation in the Occupied Territories

ACRI is following a trend that has intensified in this Knesset and has grave human rights implications: legislative initiatives aimed at promoting "legal annexation" of the West Bank and undermining the legal basis of the military regime that began in June of 1967. On the one hand, those promoting such legislation seek to institutionalize a regime of twofold discrimination through annexation and occupation, within the framework of which Knesset legislation will expand settlements and strengthen their ties to the sovereign state of Israel. On the other hand, the regime of military occupation will continue to apply to the Palestinian population as if nothing has changed, while denying their rights in full.

Equality, social rights and more

A few key issues:

The right to equality and the struggle against racism and discrimination: implementation of the Palmor Report, including addressing police violence and providing body cameras for police officers Freedom of speech: initiatives to address shrinking discourse and censorship on the Internet The right to health and equality in health services: struggle to include life-saving medicine into supplementary insurance; promoting health equality in the periphery; force-feeding; medical tourism Rights in criminal proceedings: living space for prisoners; the new “Great Search” bill; detainees' rights; the death penalty for terrorists; the Anti-Terrorism Law, including administrative orders and detentions; the "Body-search” Law; supervision of private security guards; minors' rights in criminal proceedings The right to a dignified existence: water service discounts; foster care for children; fees for interim court proceedings; debtors' rights — collection by private companies, struggle against the Tax Ordinance (collection), interest on arrears on debts; income support and family support The right to housing: fair rent laws; urban renewal Employee rights: hourly workers; independent contractors Policy on carrying weapons Asylum seekers' rights: provisions on their wages; the Infiltration Law Rights of the residents of East Jerusalem: proposals for the annexation of Ma'ale Adumim; proposals for the expansion of Jerusalem and the separation of Palestinian neighborhoods Rights of the Arab minority: the Kaminitz Law to increase enforcement in the field of planning and construction; allocation of equal budgets, including a five-year plan; equality in education

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