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Translate the Population and Immigration Authority's services into Arabic

“My visit” is an application that enables citizens and permanent residents to schedule appointments at the Population and Immigration Authority’s offices online. This is an excellent service, especially considering the overcrowding and busyness of the offices, particularly those in East Jerusalem. However, the application is only partially translated into Arabic, in a way that doesn't enable use for Arabic speakers. The Authority's website also has online forms for scheduling appointments for non-residents or citizens, which aren't translated at all. In addition, ACRI's examination indicates that there isn’t any regular telephone response at either the Population and Immigration Authority's National Information and Service Center, or the office in Wadi al-Joz in East Jerusalem, making it impossible to schedule an appointment via telephone.

On January 31, 2019, we contacted the Director General of the Population and Immigration Authority demanding full access to online public services provided by the Population and Immigration Authority in Arabic, particularly the "my visit" application, online appointment forms for visa departments, and online payment for issuing passports and travel documents. We also requested that telephone service be offered to older people who are more technologically challenged. ACRI Attorney Tal Hassin noted that the lack of translation impedes the ability of many Arabic speakers', particularly residents of East Jerusalem, to use the services, while violating their constitutional rights to equality and dignity, contradicting the Authority’s duty to provide services to the Arab population in its language.

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