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This Is What 50+ Years of Discrimination Looks Like


They represent 38% of the residents of Jerusalem. 72% of families and 81% of children live below the poverty line. Their schools lack 2,000 classrooms, the dropout rate is skyrocketing, and about 18,600 school-age children are not enrolled in any educational framework.

They suffer from endless harassment at the Interior Ministry. They encounter numerous barriers to obtaining building permits, and they are forced to live in overcrowded homes, many of which are built without permits and official connections to water. The sanitation and health services that they receive are few and far between, and don't meet the growing needs. There are too few social workers attending to them, and too many Border Policeman eyeing them.

The Association for Civil Rights in Israel invites you to learn about the lives of one-third of the city's residents in this updated report.

This is East Jerusalem.


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