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  • ACRI

Key Amendments to the "Climate Law"

On April 3, 2024, the first reading of the Climate Law, 5774-2024, passed its first reading in the Knesset. The goal of the proposal is to create a binding legal framework for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for the climate crisis, similar to what is happening in many countries around the world. However, following pressure from government ministries, headed by the Ministries of Finance and Energy, many critical clauses were removed from the bill, making it too weak.

The Civil Climate Law Headquarters, which includes Israeli environmental and social organizations, including the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, has formulated a series of key amendments that must be introduced in order to pass significant legislation that will ensure the security, health and basic welfare of the country's residents in light of the consequences of the climate crisis.

The most important required changes are:

  1. Raising emissions reduction targets in accordance with what is happening in developed countries – reducing emissions by 50% by 2030 and setting interim targets.

  2. Budgeting for the national plan for reducing emissions and requiring government ministries to prepare it on a clear timetable.

  3. Budgeting for the national plan for climate change preparedness and requiring government ministries to prepare it without the possibility of an exemption.

  4. Determination of the obligation to carry out a climate risk assessment within the law (and not postponing it to a future government decision).

  5. Reducing the collection of bodies that the law establishes – it is advisable to remove the Climate Council and the Climate Institute, and leave the work of government ministries under the guidance of an expert committee. As long as the climate council is established, its work must be simplified and it must ensure that there are no parties interested in thwarting the purpose of the climate law.

  6. The introduction of climate justice considerations when determining the above plans.

On June 27, 2024, we submitted our comments (Hebrew), to the Knesset Welfare Committee, on the bill, which focus on promoting climate justice and protecting vulnerable populations due to the climate crisis

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