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  • ACRI

State of the occupation, year 56: a joint situation report

Photo by Anne Paq Activestills

On the regrettable anniversary of fifty-six years since Israel occupied the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem, 17 human rights organizations have come together to publish an urgent report - State of the Occupation - Year 56: A Joint Situation Report, on the deepening of occupation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

Drawing on the expertise and research of the 17 organizations, the unique report covers four main themes: Israeli security forces’ violence, annexation, displacement, and the attack on NGOs. These are the most alarming themes that we have identified in recent years as part of the ongoing and intolerable situation of occupation, which has now reached a boiling point under Israel’s current coalition government.

The Platform calls upon Israel to immediately cease its destructive policies, as is its duty under international law and according to commitments it has previously made. We also call on the international community to hold Israel accountable for the issues highlighted in the report, and to take measures to protect Palestinian human rights, which are currently under attack.


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