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The Shin Bet: Questions and Answers


Photos: Amos Ben Gershom, National Photo Collection; Yossi Zamir, Shatil-Stok
Photos: Amos Ben Gershom, National Photo Collection; Yossi Zamir, Shatil-Stok

The Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) is a covert organization with far-reaching powers and wide-ranging surveillance and suppression capabilities. The Prime Minister’s efforts to take control of it via political appointments poses a grave danger that threatens the basic rights of all of the State’s citizens and residents. This concern is magnified if other groups responsible for overseeing the Shin Bet's activities, such as the Legal Advisor to the Government and court judges, also become political appointees and tools of the Prime Minister. 

We prepared this Q&A so that you can learn more about the Shin Bet and the dangers and possible scenarios if it becomes an organization of political appointments. 

What is the role of the Shin Bet?

The Shin Bet is a clandestine security organization whose main role is to prevent harm to State security and democratic institutions by citizens and residents of the State and Palestinians in the occupied territories. 

What powers does the Shin Bet have? 

How can the Shin Bet's powers harm human rights? 

Is the Shin Bet Subject to any oversight to prevent the misuse of its powers?

How is the head of the Shin Bet appointed? 

Does making the head of the Shin Bet a political appointment increase the risk to citizens' and residents' rights? 

What tasks might the Prime Minister demand the head of the Shin Bet undertake? 

What additional Shin Bet tools can the Prime Minister exploit? 

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