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Warning letters to Kaplan protest leaders


On March 28, 2024, ahead of Saturday night's protest, Tel Aviv District Commander Lt. Gen. Peretz Amar sent warning letters to leading activists from the Kaplan protest. The letters made it clear to the protest leaders that the road closures taking place on Saturday night were illegal and that this behavior was dangerous and forbidden.

ACRI sent legal correspondence (Hebrew) to the Attorney General and the Police Commissioner to clarify that this was an illegal use of pressure on demonstrators. In the correspondence, attorney Anne Suciu and Freedom of Protest coordinator Sivan Tahel argued that the attempt to impose responsibility or blame for any scenario on leading activists in these mass protests for the conduct of others is unacceptable, and it seems that the letter is intended to intimidate the participants of these legal demonstrations, specifically leading activists. We noted that this is a practice aimed at marking all demonstrators as "rioters" in advance, and perhaps to justify police brutality, which has increased significantly in recent times.

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