Warning Talks for Protest Activists in Lod
The District Court accepted our petition regarding protest signs in Jerusalem
Limiting the Use of Batons as a Means of Dispersing Demonstrations
Permit the existence of a protest tent in a public park in Jaffa
Investigate a Policeman Suspected of Violence in Jaffa
Police policy to ban display of the Palestinian flag
ACRI Appeals Against Police Use of Stun Grenades
Police Conduct in Sheikh Jarrah
How did we get here?
Principles for Police Conduct in Upcoming Protests
Preventing Police Officers With Histories of Violence From Using Dangerous Means
Police Conduct Toward Protesters in Umm al-Fahm
Using Water Cannons and “Skunk” in Religious Neighborhoods
Police Using Cell Phones to Document Protestors
We Appealed to the Municipalities: Hanging Temporary Protest Signs is Permitted
The Jerusalem Police Policy Prohibiting the Display of the Palestinian Authority’s Flag
Powerful Police Database on the Movements of Citizens?
Police Eavesdropping on WhatsApp Groups
ACRI Appeals to AG to Stop Police from Corralling Protestors
Investigation of Protestors Who Came to Testify